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BerichtGeplaatst: di 29 dec, 2020 19:03 pm 

Geregistreerd: vr 22 mei, 2015 15:38 pm
Berichten: 863
Voor deze buddybuild ga ik de I-16 bouwen. Hier alvast Foto's van de kit. Ik heb nog nooit een A-model kit gebouwd. Het eerste wat mij opvalt is de enorme hoeveelheid flash. Voor de rest alles netjes verpakt. Veel decals. Genoeg voor 7 versies maar liefst. Er komt nog history bij zodra ik eruit ben welke versie ik ga maken. Voor nu veel kijk plezier.

photo 527839

photo 527836

photo 527833

photo 527834

photo 527838

photo 527835

photo 527837

photo 527840

Gr Luuk

"Als het dit niet is, was het wel wat anders"

In de werkplaats:

1:72 Mitsubishi Ki-46 DINAH (LS)
https://modelbrouwers.nl/phpBB3/viewtop ... 84&t=53073

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BerichtGeplaatst: di 29 dec, 2020 20:40 pm 

Geregistreerd: di 13 apr, 2010 20:50 pm
Berichten: 4454
Woonplaats: Bovensmilde
Sterkte Luuk, een A-model, die zijn vaak best spannend ;)
Wel leuk dat je twee opties hebt qua cockpitkap.

Markie bouwt een Revell Fairplay 1/144
Markie bouwt Sonia
Markie bouwt een Pzkpfw 38(t)

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BerichtGeplaatst: di 29 dec, 2020 23:12 pm 
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Geregistreerd: di 06 jan, 2009 22:40 pm
Berichten: 2896
Woonplaats: Dordrecht
Wow wat een flash inderdaad! :shock:
Maar wel een erg leuk toestelletje! Ben benieuwd welke versie het gaat worden!
Twee Russische van de zeven bijgeleverde zo te zien, de rest Spaans. :brouw:

On the bench: Fokker D.XXI "229" [1:72]
Last finished (1): P-47D Thunderbolt "Razor-Back" [1:72]
Last finished (2): Le Cougouar des Pays-Bas! [1:72] - BB: Franse Luchtvaart 1900 - nu
Modelbouwend op Instagram! -> Mr. Airfox <-

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BerichtGeplaatst: wo 30 dec, 2020 0:24 am 

Geregistreerd: di 30 nov, 2010 2:01 am
Berichten: 325
Lekker simpel kitje, als je naar het plannetje kijkt...

Tot je de onderdeeltjes ziet, Veel succes ermee.

Wel een mooi onderwerp, die I-16.


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BerichtGeplaatst: wo 30 dec, 2020 2:26 am 
Organisator groepsbouw
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Geregistreerd: wo 27 feb, 2013 0:08 am
Berichten: 2490
Succes! Zal een hele uitdaging worden...


mijn brouwverslagen

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BerichtGeplaatst: wo 30 dec, 2020 12:56 pm 
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Geregistreerd: di 28 aug, 2007 22:27 pm
Berichten: 18689
Woonplaats: Hurdegaryp
AModel is inderdaad uitdagend, ik bouw ook een model ervan.

Leuk klein kitje, wellicht leuk detail nog om aan te brengen, het landingsgestel werd met een kabel naar binnen getrokken, moet je maar even googelen.



O.a. bezig met: Al mijn bouwverslagen mooi gebundeld ; Het grote Apache topic ; Smer 1:40 Fokker S-12 (PH-NDC) ; Sikorsky R-4; Wright Flyer

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BerichtGeplaatst: do 31 dec, 2020 11:47 am 
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Geregistreerd: vr 28 sep, 2007 0:48 am
Berichten: 5507
Woonplaats: Ede
Dit toestel hoort ook zeker thuis in deze BB, persoonlijk had ikje de ICM kit aangeraden, ook geen makkelijk model, maar qua detail net wat beter.


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BerichtGeplaatst: do 31 dec, 2020 13:55 pm 
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Geregistreerd: ma 27 mei, 2019 11:36 am
Berichten: 3031
Mooi, Luuk. Ook hier gaat weer op het scherpst van de snede gebouwd worden. :lol:

Nu op de werkbank:
Italeri 1/72 Savoia Marchetti SM79 Serie I
Afbeelding Groepsbouw MEDEVAC Vanaf 1 maart 2025 op dit forum. Kijk hier voor meer informatie

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BerichtGeplaatst: vr 01 jan, 2021 14:50 pm 

Geregistreerd: vr 22 mei, 2015 15:38 pm
Berichten: 863
Bedankt allemaal. Ja dit kitje gaat een uitdaging worden. Ik ben eruit en ga de Type 05 bouwen uit 1939. Ik heb ook wat onderzoek gedaan en deze site gevonden. Om copyright te voorkomen zet ik gewoon de link hier. Alles over hoe dit toestel gebouwd is en welke types word hier uitgelegt.

https://massimotessitori.altervista.org ... etails.htm

De I-16 die ik ga maken is er dus 1 uit 1939, dit houd in dat er dus een open canopy opkomt met een PAK-01 gunsight. In de kit naast al de flash is ook een open canopy meegeleverd. Deze ga ik gebruiken. De PAK-01 gunsight zal ik moeten scratchen.

Stukje geschiedenis: (bron Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polikarpov_I-16)

Initial service experience revealed that the ShKAS machine guns had a tendency to jam. This was the result of the guns being installed in the wings upside-down to facilitate the fit. The problem was addressed in later modifications. Evaluations from pilots confirmed the experience with prototypes. Controls were light and very sensitive, abrupt maneuvers resulted in spins, and spin behavior was excellent. An aileron roll could be performed in under 1.5 seconds (roll rate over 240 degrees/second). The machine guns were fired via a cable and the required effort, coupled with sensitive controls, made precision aiming difficult. The rear weight bias made the I-16 easy to handle on unprepared airfields because the aircraft was rather unlikely to flip over the nose even if the front wheels dug in.

The I-16 was a difficult fighter to fly. The pilots had poor visibility,[8] the canopy tended to become fouled with engine oil, and the moving portion was prone to slamming shut during hard maneuvers, which caused many pilots to fix it in the open position. The front section of the fuselage, with the engine, was too close to the centre of gravity, and the pilot's cockpit too far to the rear. The Polikarpov had insufficient longitudinal stability and it was impossible to fly the aircraft "hands off".[9]
I-16 in Spanish Republican colors with "Popeye mascot"
Spanish Civil War

At the start of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Republican forces pleaded for fighter aircraft. After receiving payment in gold, Joseph Stalin dispatched around 475[10] I-16 Type 5s and Type 6s. The first I-16s appeared in Spanish skies in November 1936.[11] The Polikarpov monoplanes had their baptism of fire on 13 November 1936, when twelve I-16s intercepted a Nationalist bombing raid on Madrid. Soviet pilots claimed four air victories and two German Heinkel He 51 pilots were killed. But the Soviets suffered losses too; the group commander collided with an enemy aircraft and another I-16 pilot crash landed.[12] The Polikarpovs immediately began dominating the enemy Heinkel He 51 and Arado Ar 68 biplanes[citation needed] and remained unchallenged until the introduction of the Messerschmitt Bf 109. The arrival of the newest Bf 109Bs and the overwhelming numerical superiority of Nationalist fighters were the primary cause of the heavy I-15 and I-16 combat losses suffered throughout 1937.[13] A number of aviation publications called the new Soviet fighter a "Boeing" due to the incorrect assumption that it was based on the Boeing P-26's design. The Nationalists nicknamed the stubby fighter Rata (Rat), while the Republicans affectionately called it Mosca (Fly).

Combat experience showed that the I-16 had deficiencies; several aircraft were lost after structural failure of the wings which was quickly remedied by reinforced structures. Heavy machine gun bullets could sometimes penetrate the armored backrest and fuel tanks occasionally caught fire in spite of being protected. The hot Spanish summers required the addition of oil radiators, and dust adversely affected the life of the engines. Although some aircraft accumulated up to 400 hours of flying time, the average life of an I-16 was 87 days, of which one sixth was spent on maintenance. The biggest complaint in service was the light armament of only two 7.62 mm (0.30 in) machine guns. This was urgently addressed with the Type 6 which added a third ShKAS in the bottom of the fuselage. The four-gun Type 10 was nicknamed "Super Mosca" or simply "Super". The total number of I-16s delivered to Spain from 1936 to 1938 amounted to 276. When the war ended on 1 April 1939, 187 Ratas had been lost in Spain: 112 lost in combat, one shot down by anti-aircraft fire, eleven destroyed on the ground, one force-landed and 62 lost in accidents.[14]
The Far East and battles at Khalkhin Gol
I-16 with Chinese insignia, flown by Chinese pilots and Soviet volunteers

Another 250 I-16 Type 10s were supplied to China. This model added a second set of 7.62 mm (0.30 in) ShKAS machine guns, armor behind the pilot, and had a slightly upgraded 560 kW (750 hp) M-25 engine. In 1939, of the 500 I-16s[15] deployed to the fighting at Nomonhan, approximately 112 were lost during the battles of Khalkhin Gol, of which 88 were destroyed in aerial combat, primarily against the all-metal Nakajima Ki-27 Japanese fighters.[16] During test trials in Russia of a captured Ki-27, the aircraft proved superior to the Soviet I-152 (I-15bis), I-153, and the I-16 in aerial combat, as well as having a faster take-off and lower landing speed, requiring shorter airstrips than the I-16, which needed 270 meters to stop and 380 meters for take-off.[17]

Further attempts were made to upgrade the firepower of the aircraft using 20 mm (0.79 in) ShVAK cannons, making the I-16 one of the most heavily armed fighters of the period,[18] able to fire 28 rounds of ammunition in three seconds. Pilots loved the results, but the cannons were in short supply, and only a small number of the I-16 Type 12, 17, 27, and 28 were built. The cannons adversely affected performance, with 360° turn time increasing from fifteen seconds in the Type 5 to eighteen seconds. The Type 24 replaced the skid with a tailwheel and featured the much more powerful 670 kW (900 hp) Shvetsov M-63 engine. The Type 29 replaced two of the ShKAS guns with a single 12.7 mm (.50 in) UBS.

Types 18, 24, 27, 28, and 29 could be fitted to carry RS-82 unguided rockets. The first successful use of air-to-air missiles in air combat was on August 20, 1939. A Ki-27 was hit by an RS-82 rocket launched from a distance of about a kilometer. The shot was fired by Captain N. Zvonarev.[19]

A 1939 government study found the I-16 had exhausted its performance potential. The addition of armor, radio, battery, and flaps during the aircraft's evolution exacerbated the rear weight distribution problems to the point where the aircraft required considerable forward pressure on the stick to maintain level flight and at the same time developed a tendency to enter uncontrolled dives. Extension and retraction of the landing flaps caused a dramatic change in the aircraft's attitude. Accurate gunfire was difficult.
Soviet Union
VVS pilots at Khalkhyn Gol in front of their I-16 in August 1939.

The pilots nicknamed the aircraft Ishak (Russian: Ишак, Donkey/Hinny) because it was similar to the Russian pronunciation of "I-16" ("EE-shestnadtset"). When Operation Barbarossa erupted on 22 June 1941, 1,635 of 4,226 VVS aircraft were I-16s of all variants, fielded by 57 fighter regiments in frontier areas.[20] The main assault delivered by the Luftwaffe's Luftflotte 2 (in support of Wehrmacht Army Group Centre) was directed against the Soviet Western Special Military District, that deployed 361 (424 according to other sources) I-16s.[21] During the early phase of the campaign the I-16 bases were the main targets for the German aircraft and after 48 hours of combat, of the 1,635 Polikarpov monoplanes in service on 21 June 1941, only 937 were left.[22] By 30 June the number of I-16s in western front line units had dropped to 873, including 99 that required repairs.[23] To stem the Luftwaffe aerial assault several I-16 pilots adopted the taran tactic and sacrificed their lives, ramming German aircraft.[23]

Its main opponent in the sky in 1941 was the German Messerschmitt Bf 109.[24] The I-16 was slightly more maneuverable than the early Bf 109s and could fight the Messerschmitt Bf 109E, or Emil, on equal terms in turns. Skilled Soviet pilots took advantage of the Polikarpov's superior horizontal maneuverability and liked it enough to resist the switch to more modern fighters. The German aircraft, however, outclassed its Soviet opponent in service ceiling, rate of climb, acceleration and, crucially, in horizontal and diving speed, due to better aerodynamics and a more powerful engine. The main versions of the I-16 had a maximum speed of 450–470 km/h (279–291 mph), while the Bf 109E had a maximum speed of 560–570 km/h (347–353 mph), the more streamlined Bf 109F Friedrich could hit 615–630 km/h (372-390plus mph). So German pilots held the initiative and could decide if they wanted to chase their opponents, could attack them from above and behind and then gain altitude for a new attack. Meanwhile, Polikarpovs could only defend each other by forming a defensive circle or via horizontal maneuverability.[24]

Moreover, in terms of armament, Messerschmitts had a slight edge on the I-16. The Emil carried two wing-mounted 20mm MG FF cannons and two synchronized 7.92 mm MG-17s with a weight of a one-second salvo of 2.37 kg, while the most common version of the I-16 – armed with just two synchronized and two wing-mounted 7.62 ShKAS – could deliver 1.43 kg of bullets each second.[25] Finally, the ammunition storage on a Messerschmitt exceeded that of the I-16, carrying 1,000 rounds for each machine gun (plus sixty drum-housed rounds for each cannon), while the Polikarpov carried just 450 rounds for each ShKAS gun.[26]

Around half of all produced I-16s were still in service in 1943, when they were finally replaced.[citation needed]

Specially modified I-16s were used in the Zveno parasite aircraft experiments using the Tupolev TB-3 as a mothership.

The Luftwaffe was known to have captured some I-16 and UTI-4 two-seat trainers (two of which were marked with the Stammkennzeichen codes DM+HC and DM+HD) and flown from the Erprobungstelle Rechlin central Luftwaffe test facility by Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200).[27] The Luftwaffe was not the only air force able to test its fighters against the I-16; the Japanese captured a few I-16s as well,[3] and the Romanian Air Force also got one when a Soviet pilot defected.[28] The Finnish Air Force (FAF) captured some I-16s (along with several other Soviet types). During the Winter War and the Continuation War, the Finns captured six I-16s and one I-16UTI. Two of the captured I-16s and I-16UTIs were put back into flying condition and flight tested.[29]

"Als het dit niet is, was het wel wat anders"

In de werkplaats:

1:72 Mitsubishi Ki-46 DINAH (LS)
https://modelbrouwers.nl/phpBB3/viewtop ... 84&t=53073

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BerichtGeplaatst: vr 01 jan, 2021 14:56 pm 
Organisator groepsbouw
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Geregistreerd: zo 13 maart, 2011 22:39 pm
Berichten: 5173
Woonplaats: IJsselstein UT
Mooi man! Succes maar laat je niet ontmoedigen. Die kits van A-model vragen wel extra werk. En motivatie.


Op de werkbank:
* Martin PBM-5A Mariner, Academy 12586, 1:72
Onlangs voltooid:
* Vought Corsair II FAA, Revell 03983, 1:72; * Mitsubishi KI-21-1-a Sally, ICM 72205, 1:72 voor de BB "Banzai! De Japanse luchtmachten 1937-1945";
* Dornier Do 24T-3, Italeri 1323, 1:72 voor de BB "Franse luchtvaart 1900 - nu"
* Mijn ATF portfolio 2011-heden

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